Ksenia coffman 97k wikipedia
One Woman’s Mission to Rewrite Nazi History on Wikipedia
One Woman’s Mission to Rewrite Nazi History on Wikipedia | WIRED
7.9.2021 — When Ksenia Coffman started editing Wikipedia, she was like a tourist in Buenos Aires in the 1950s. She came to learn the tango, admire the …
Ksenia Coffman’s fellow editors have called her a vandal and a McCarthyist. She just wants them to stop glorifying fascists—and start citing better sources.
Ksenia Coffman (@KseniaCoffman) / Twitter
After years reporting on Wikipedia, the story of Ksenia Coffman jumped out because I had never seen an editor single-handedly shape how WP covers a topic as …
Noam Cohen / Wired: Profile of Ksenia Coffman, who has made 97K …
Noam Cohen / Wired: Profile of Ksenia Coffman, who has made 97K edits and created 3,200 pages on Wikipedia, and her efforts to remove glorified Nazi history …
The One-Woman Battle Against Pro-Nazi Bias on Wikipedia
28.11.2021 — For years Ksenia Coffman has been fighting to correct pro-Nazi distortions on Wikipedia. Ksenia Coffman might be one of the most influential …
Wikipedia is the latest battleground in war of words on China
Wikipedia is the latest battleground in war of words on China | Enterprise
8.11.2021 — Coffman has amassed an impressive 97k edits, created 3.2k pages, and ranks number 734 out of 121,000 “elite” Wikipedia editors.
One Woman’s Mission to Rewrite Nazi History on Wikipedia
Reddit – Dive into anything
10.9.2021 — One Woman’s Mission to Rewrite Nazi History on Wikipedia: Ksenia Coffman’s fellow editors have called her a vandal and a McCarthyist. She just …
60 votes, 27 comments. 53.4k members in the slatestarcodex community. Slate Star Codex was a blog by Scott Alexander about human cognition …
Ksenia Coffman’s Instagram, Twitter & Facebook on IDCrawl
In November 2015, Ksenia Coffman discovered something amiss in a Wikipedia article about a notorious Nazi and a Holocaust perpetrator. The article drew an …
Looking for Ksenia Coffman online? Find Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and more on IDCrawl – free people search website.
Ksenia Coffman’s Struggle to Root out Nazi Sympathy on …
Ksenia Coffman’s Struggle to Root out Nazi Sympathy on Wikipedia | History News Network
7.9.2021 — WHEN KSENIA COFFMAN started editing Wikipedia, she was like a tourist in Buenos Aires in the 1950s. She came to learn the tango, …
Ksenia Coffman: Wikipedia and the Holocaust Sleuth
Ksenia Coffman: Wikipedia and the Holocaust Sleuth – Phoenix Holocaust Association
12.1.2022 — In November 2015, Ksenia Coffman discovered something amiss in a Wikipedia article about a notorious Nazi and a Holocaust perpetrator.
In November 2015, Ksenia Coffman discovered something amiss in aWikipedia article about a notorious Nazi and a Holocaust perpetrator. Thearticle drew an apologist picture of an SS death squad’s commander whohappened to come up with the idea of mobile vans to gas Jews.
Keywords: ksenia coffman 97k wikipedia